小川産業株式会社ロゴOgawa Industry Co., Ltd.


Head Office
3-5-5, Furumachi, Kashiwara-shi, Osaka 582-0008, Japan
Phone: 81-729-72-0029
Fax: 81-729-71-1578
Email : yyama@bc5.so-net.ne.jp
Our Shanghai Branch is in preparation.

Business Summary
We are an energy wholesaler and retailer, flexibly meeting the diverse needs of todayユs industrial world. We have underground tanks of 200 kiloliters for kerosene, crude oil, and diesel oil, enabling us to deliver our products to our customers nearby within a day. Many leading manufacturers are relocating their factories to China now. In accordance with our clientsユ requests, we have a China expert who has been a representative in China for six years. Our China expert can help you advance into the Chinese market and provide you with the support you need concerning law, taxes, and accounting. We also have a trade relationship with China, importing raw materials and parts, and exporting products.


Company Profile

Establishment: March 15, 1962
Incorporation: June 4, 1976
Capital: \10 million
President: Ume Yamamoto
No. of Employees: 8
Bank: Yamato Bank, Kashiwara Branch UFJ Bank, Yao Branch Hakko Shinkin Bank, Kokubu Branch
Product Lines: Kerosene, crude oil, diesel oil, various kinds of lubricant, LPG, other total energy, air conditioning, and home facilities
Main Clients: Neighboring factories
Business Description 
・Energy Division: Wholesale and retail of kerosene, crude oil, diesel oil, various kinds of lubricant, LPG, and other total energy
・Facility Division: Sales and installation of hot-water supply, air conditioning, and home facilities
・Chinese Division: Support for advancement into Chinese market, consultation